About Coras
Systematic approach to stock selection based on fundamental industry data

After years of analyzing North America oil & gas spending, well completion data, rig details, and industry cost trends, we have developed a systematic approach to forecasting Oil Service company expectations. The idea behind the approach is to think like the customer (operator), which first requires a time-intensive process of compiling each customer’s CAPEX budget by play.  After collecting spending data, we link that information to our realtime Coras Oilfield Data Monitor to more accurately forecast expected frac jobs, required proppant demand, future rig counts, and industry revenue.


A key component of the Coras Concept is to have the most detailed and comprehensive oil service dataset available. Our process leverages a number of data sources to provide clients with a unique hybrid product, combining a data subscription with sell-side equity research.

  • Rockies POP

    In this report, we dig in on the Rockies / Bakken region, which has been much firmer this quarter (after a very soft Q3)...

  • Need More Rigs

    After lagging the initial frac count surge, rig deployments are poised to meaningfully outperform in coming months. The ...